Monday, November 24, 2014

Shir Madness the amazing Hoop girl!

I first witnessed the stunning  Shir Madness while attending one of the many Dirty Circus events in Galway. I highly recommend it for a fun night out if you are looking for something different. I remember thinking how the hell does she do that ! This girl has a great talent for balancing and performing with Hoops and still managing to look sexy!  She has also been around the world performing at various events . Closer to home she has been performing at the Jerry Fish and the electric sideshow for over a year now, a feast for the eyes and the senses!
Originally from France Shir has made Ireland her home and continues to wow audiences around the country. I foresee big things in her future.

We had a lovely photoshoot recently to showcase both her talent and also to present the new 'Showgirl' boudoir session that is available with ourselves at Boudoir Girls . A fun alternative to the usual boudoir sessions..' every girl gets to be a showgirl for an afternoon'!  We also provide photoshoots for performers of circus and burlesque should you need some quirky images for online use.
Credits: Shir Madness
Makeup: Shir Madness
Costumes/ props/ photography : Natalie Greer/ Boudoir Girls
Location: Boudoir Girls studio, Headford, Co.Galway

Hope are some images from our session:

Monday, November 3, 2014

John Denton Workshop

I've been a bit behind on my blogging of late. As with all of us photographers shooting is the fun part! Speaking of fun and shooting I had the pleasure of traveling up to Moate in August where Ken Byrne and his partner Aine (now fiance! congrats guys! ) was hosting a fashion /fine art workshop by the amazing John Denton.
I travelled up with John Mc Mahon and got to meet some lovely local photographers and shoot the fabulous model Devon who travelled over with John for the occasion from the UK.
We had a lovely time wandering around the fabulous grounds and shooting in the house itself. Devon managed to pose her way through the day for us no complaints fair play! I was feeling for her as its no simple task holding poised positions for hours on end. Thankfully the weather was pretty mild! 
We went through new techniques with posing and lighting and it was done in a lighthearted fun manner which I really liked. 
Big thanks to everyone involved really enjoyed the day and would highly recommend John's Workshops to anyone SWPP member or not. Links below :))

John Mc Mahon on reflector and John Denton shooting

Ken taking his shot! 

Devon having a giggle

Some posed shots by the group

my own posed shot of Devon 

Fashion look shot

John setting up the lighting 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Bridal Boudoir Packages

The beautiful Katherine Gannon modeled on this to help us showcase some of our new sets available for our new bridal boudoir session package . We will be doing another blog post on Katherine soon from her swimwear session with us. Exciting times ahead for this lady..and none more deserving as she is such a hard worker and a pure dote. Beautiful makeup by Sarah Holleran MUA check out her FB page here

Here is a little info about our bridal boudoir package:

As boudoir sessions are more often a private affair and surprise for 'himself' before the wedding or  a christmas present , I rarely get to show the stunning teachers, solicitors and housewives that come through my door for these portraits. So very understandable as not everyone is content with being online in their smalls! I have to stress that only images with permission are ever shown online so you never have to worry ladies!! We also take plenty of headshots in a session incase you do feel like showing off your beautiful face or having some nice facebook profile images.

Whatever your shape or size we can cater for your needs and tastes. We love shooting plus size girls every bit as much as we shoot skinny girls prejudice here and you will get help with posing for any areas you may not be completely comfortable with. For cellulite , blemishes and stretch marks we offer retouching should you want it but it is an entirely personal choice. We promote beauty in any shape and form and if you prefer yourself with a little retouching then who are we to judge?

Here at 'Boudoir Girls' we have a large selection of lingerie you can wade through from the bridal looks shown to more nude soft colors -we encourage you to think about and research the looks you like for  your shoot so that we can nail your vision and create something special for you specifically! Bring your favorite heels and lingerie and feel empowered after a fun session with us. I always describe it like the buzz of getting ready for a fun girly night out!

If the softer look is not for you then the more fun options can work too eg. superhero, geek, outdoor, themed or just tasteful simple images of yourself to treasure forever.

Call us to book an appointment before christmas to ensure your book is ready on time. We require 2 weeks to complete the books but can prioritize for you if there is any urgency.
Tel : 087 6332611

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Rebel with a cause! No to bodyshaming!

I had such a fun day shooting with Ms Rebelle Haze last week. A true modern feminist and curvy beauty who spends her time writing many an interesting article for Ink Fetish Magazine, a cool blog Feline women and she is also the author of her very own lovely blog called Rebellution - y'all should go and check it out. Hit her a like on facebook and twitter aswell while you are at it! 

Before I met Rebel I knew we would hit if off straight away -  we have soooo much in common its not funny, a love for quirky things, pin-up, monster high dolls ,tattoos and everything gothic and girly! We played on this a wee bit for the shoot using several looks to highlight her personality.
There are so many I love in the photo sets but my favourite has to be her 'au-naturelle' giggling away. She rocked every aspect of her shoot despite her initial nerves about stripping down like this. I love her openness and the simplicity of the shots.  Can I please add that there is NO liquify or airbrushing used in these images - not many ladies are brave enough to do this but Rebel was and I applaud her for that!!! The fabulous makeup look was created by the super talented Colette Sheehan and we tested it well on the day with all the clothing changes etc it stayed firmly put  :)
More ladies (including myself here) could do with giving ourselves a break and not being so hard on ourselves about our 'imperfect bodies' as we see them.  We need to learn to love ourselves and our curves a little more.  Stay tuned for more shoots with Rebelle we can't get enough of her!
Credits: Colette Sheehan on Makeup
Studio: Heart prop, wigs etc and photography, Natalie

The Fabulous Michelle Baker!

We were lucky enough to have the beautiful Michelle Baker over from sunny Florida a few weeks ago. Not only is Michelle a Playboy model, TV presenter and actress she is also an avid animal rights activist. She is a huge Yoga fanatic and teaches it on the beach most days! What a life!
Check out her website here to see her amazing images and profile.

When Michelle hit our shores this year we teamed with the fab ladies of Sizzors Wizards to give her a makeover photoshoot with a sexy but fun theme, incorporating a green (very Irish!) Mustang car (very American! ) along with some items from the Boudoir Girls dress up closet. Liz Anderson owner of Sizzors Wizards set about creating a big hair look reminiscent of 'Pammy' back in the day. As Liz is the queen of big hair herself I knew she would love this look too!
With the help of Saoirse Passman they added volume, curls and height. Saoirse skillfully added the makeup to complete the look and we also applied large lashes for a bit of drama! Lots of giggles and cinnamon buns were had that day. It's all about the fun as well as the shots at the end of the day.

Michelle was such a pro throughout the day pulling off amazing poses with her yoga coming in very handy !! I could hardly crouch down to shoot her without getting the 'ceili leg' shake as I call it (unfit some others may call it.. lol )  Watching her work was amazing. We all had the want to do yoga after that shoot but somehow once the sun went away the idea went out the window!
Michelle followed her visit to Galway with a lovely tour of Co Clare and also Dromoland Falconry which she loved. I have no doubt she fell in love with Ireland and could be back to us yet  !! Stay tuned :))) Natalie x

Here are some shots from the shoot:

L/R: Saoirse Passman, Michelle Baker, Liz Anderson 

Makeup application...